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Eye examinations shouldn't just be another tick off a to do list. We take pride in giving you and your eye health unrushed, quality service.


Regular eye checks are important for maintaining healthy eyes and ensuring you have the best possible vision. Did you know that thorough examination of your eyes can reveal signs of many systemic diseases before other symptoms appear?


We have a fantastic, longstanding team and our Optometrists are at the peak of current Optometric training. You're in very good hands. We look forward to welcoming you soon.


Both private and NHS examinations are available, suitable for all ages.


Please see below for more information.

Eye Exam

Independent, comprehensive eye examinations

Eye Exam

The Eye Examination

When you arrive you'll be greeted by the reception team before being  introduced to a Dispensing Optician for your pre-screening checks, consisting of reviewing your old glasses and taking photos of the back of your eyes.


(It's incredibly useful to bring along your current glasses or most recent prescription.)


Thorough Fundus Photography. Our state of the are Zeiss retinal imaging camera gives the Optometrist a clear view of the structures within your eye, useful for diagnosing and monitoring retinal health. These come as standard for free with every eye test.


You're then free to browse or take a rest in the waiting area until your Optometrist calls you in.


Your Optometrist will perform a complete comprehensive examination of your eyes, not just to see if you need glasses but to fully investigate your eye health. This will include questions on your general health, medication and some family history. 


You will then be provided with full recommendations for maintaining your eye health and any vision solutions suitable to you

NHS or Private?

Sight tests are usually privately funded or covered by the NHS if you are eligible.

They may also be covered by your employer if you are a frequent VDU user.


If you are eligible for an NHS funded sight test, you can be tested every 2 years. 


You may be able to have a free NHS sight test more than every 2 years if your Optometrist recommends you do so. 


NHS am I eligible?

You are entitled to a free NHS eye examination if you:

  • are under 16

  • are 16, 17, 18 and are in full time education

  • are 60 or over

  • are registered as partially sighted or blind

  • have been diagnosed with diabetes or glaucoma

  • are 40 or over and your mother, father, sibling or child has been                diagnosed with glaucoma

  • have been advised by an eye doctor (ophthalmologist) that you're at risk of glaucoma

  • are a prisoner on leave from prison

  • are eligible for an NHS complex lens voucher – your optician can advise you about your entitlement

  • You're also entitled if you or your partner – including civil partner – receive, or you're under the age of 20 and the dependant of someone receiving financial support such as: Income support, ESA, JSA, Pension credit guaranteed credit, and others.



Private eye examinations

Private sight tests are £35 and are not restricted to any minimum re-examination times. It is recommended that your eyes are examined every two years, unless your Optometrist feels you would benefit otherwise.


If you are a NHS patient and would like to be tested more frequently, you are welcome to book in for a privately funded eye examination at any time.


Newton Abbot and Totnes

Monday to Saturday 
9am - 5pm

Evening appointments 
available on request

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